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There is no new snow this morning. Today starts out warm, dry, and mostly sunny. Winds are 10-30 mph out of the south and west with gusts of 30-50 mph. Temperatures are hovering around freezing. High temperatures today will be in the high 30s to 40s F. Winds will be 15-30 mph out of the SW. This afternoon a cold front will bring clouds and the chance of a brief drizzle before switching over to snow. Expect 1-3” of snow overnight.


With another very warm day in store, wet avalanches are the primary concern. Yesterday, numerous small wet slides were seen from the Bridgers to West Yellowstone (details). With only a light freeze overnight, surface crusts will break down quickly this morning on sunny slopes. Be alert as the snow surface becomes wet. If you’re sinking deeper than your ankles into wet snow, avoid steep slopes (video). Slides may break only in top few inches or gauge deeper, especially where the snowpack is thin and weak. Plan to be off steep, sunny slopes by the early afternoon, especially if the sun doesn’t become obscured by clouds. Across our entire advisory area, the wet snow avalanche danger will rise to MODERATE as surface crusts break down.

Sunny skies and warm temperatures continue today. There is no new snow this morning. Winds are 10-30 mph out of the south and west with gusts of 30-50 mph. Southwest winds with strong gusts will continue today. Temperatures this morning are in the high 20s to 30s F and will rise into 30s and 40s this afternoon. Tomorrow will start out warm with cooler air and precipitation moving in by tomorrow night.


The strong March sun and warm temperatures will increase the wet snow avalanche danger today. Yesterday, skiers in the Bridger Range triggered small wet sluffs on steep south facing slopes, but found that most slopes hadn’t warmed up quite enough for wet snow to become an issue (details). I found moist snow at the surface yesterday in the Lionhead area, but no significant wet snow avalanche hazard (video). Today’s slightly warmer temperatures will make wet snow a more widespread issue. Be on the lookout for pinwheels and rollerballs, loose wet point release avalanches, and sinking past your boot tops in slush as signs that the wet snow is becoming unstable. Once you see these signs, it’s time to get off steep slopes or move to the shade. Be particularly alert as you return to trailheads this afternoon on low elevation slopes that will be the warmest and are sheltered from cooling winds. Across our entire advisory area, the wet snow avalanche danger will rise to MODERATE on sun exposed slopes as the day heats up.


Yesterday the mountains around Cooke City picked up 2-3” of new snow while everywhere else got missed. Wind blew strong out of the west all day with gusts near 80 mph. Last night skies cleared and west winds lessened to 10-15 mph with gusts of 30 mph. Temperatures are in the teens this morning and will rise into the low 40s under mostly sunny skies and light west wind. Tomorrow will be even warmer.


Today’s sunny skies and warm temperatures will increase the wet snow avalanche danger.  Slopes getting direct sunshine will begin melting. Signs of instability in the moist surface snow are pinwheels rolling downhill, loose, wet point release avalanches, and sinking past your boot tops in wet snow. This is the first day of sunny skies, exceedingly warm temperatures, and mostly calm wind, a trio of factors that will wet the top foot of snow and increase wet avalanche activity. Ian made a video yesterday about today and tomorrow’s wet avalanche potential. For today, throughout our entire advisory area, the wet snow avalanche danger will rise to MODERATE on all sun exposed slopes.

There is no new snow to report, just wind and mild temperatures. Under partly to mostly cloudy skies mountain temperatures are in the 20sF and wind is blowing W-SW at 20-40 mph and gusts of 55 mph in Hyalite. Today will be partly cloudy and wind will continue to be strong from the southwest. Snow showers this afternoon will drop a trace to 1” of new snow. Tomorrow and Friday look to be warm and sunny giving us a taste of spring.

Last night the mountains received 1-3” of new snow. Winds averaged 15-30 mph from the west to southwest and gusted up to 65 mph at the Flanders weather station in Hyalite Canyon. This morning temperatures are in the teens to low 20s F. Today winds will blow 25-35 mph from the west in the northern ranges and 15-20 mph in the southern ranges. Temperatures will climb into the 20s to low 30s F. This morning Cooke City will receive a 1” of snow with a trace elsewhere before skies clear this afternoon.

Last night westerly wind increased to 15-25 mph with gusts of 30-45 mph. This morning there is no new snow and temperatures are single digits to teens F. Today, temperatures will reach high 20s F with westerly wind at 25-40 mph. Cloud cover will increase through the day, and the mountains will get 1-2” of snow overnight.

Last night the mountains around Hyalite got 5” of snow and 1-3” fell elsewhere. This morning wind is north-northwest at 5-15 mph and temperatures are single digits to high teens F. Today will be partly cloudy with temperatures briefly reaching low 20s F, northerly wind at 5-15 mph and scattered light snow showers. An inch or two of snow is possible before skies clear overnight.

This morning there is no new snow. Mountain temperatures are in the 20s to low 30s F and winds are 20-30 mph out of south and southwest with gusts of 40-50 mph. Today will be mostly cloudy with light precipitation starting this afternoon. There may be a drizzle of rain at lower elevations before it switches over to snow. High temperatures will be in the high 20s and 30s F with moderate southwest winds gusting up to 30-40 mph. A trace to 2” of snow will accumulate by tomorrow morning.

There is no new snow this morning. Mountain temperatures are in the teens and 20s F and winds are SW-NW at 10-20 mph with gusts of 25-35 mph. A beautiful spring day is in store, with sunny skies and temperatures climbing into the 30s F. Gusty west winds will continue through the day. Light snow is on the way tomorrow.

In the last 24 hours, Cooke City picked up 3” of new snow with a trace to 1” falling everywhere else. Under clearing skies mountain temperatures are in the teens and wind is blowing W-NW at 10-20 mph and gusting to 25-40 mph. Today will be sunny and temperatures will climb into the 30sF. Wind will continue to be westerly and gusty. Expect another sunny day tomorrow and snow this weekend.