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This morning mountain temperatures range from the 20s F in the north to mid-teens F in the south. Winds are blowing 20-40 mph out of W-SW with ridgeline gusts reaching 50 mph. Today, highs will warm into the 20s to low 30s F and winds will gradually decrease and shift to the W-NW. Snow moves into the area this afternoon and the mountains should see 2-4” by tomorrow morning. 

Over the past 24 hours no new snow has fallen. At 5 a.m. temperatures are in the single digits above or below zero F and skies are mostly clear. Winds are blowing 10-25 mph out of the W-NW. Today, a weak ridge of high pressure builds over the area producing a brief interval of calm and dry weather. Highs today will warm into the upper teens to mid-20s F and winds will continue to blow 10-25 mph out of the W-NW. The ridge begins to break down this evening as another storm approaches. Winds will increase tonight with gusts upwards of 60 mph possible by tomorrow morning. Snow moves into the area tomorrow afternoon and the mountains should see modest accumulation by Saturday morning. 

In the last 24 hours the mountains from Big Sky to West Yellowstone and Cooke City have an 8-12” of new snow while the Bridger and northern Gallatin Ranges have 2-3”. Winds are westerly and averaging 20-30 mph with gusts of 50 in the ski areas and 66 up Hyalite. Mountain temperatures are in the single digits under mostly cloudy skies. Another 1-2” will fall this morning and winds will continue to be strong and gusty.

Under clear skies there’s no new snow to report, just wind. Ridgetop winds are west to southwest at 25-30 mph with gusts near 50. Mountain temperatures are in the teens in the north and low single digits in the southern ranges. Skies will turn cloudy today with snow falling through this evening. By morning I expect 4-6 inches in the south and 2-3 inches in the north with gusty winds from the southwest at 20-30 mph.

Yesterday Santa delivered the best gift of all to the mountains - 4-6” of low density powder. Temperatures this morning are below zero F near Cooke City and single digits F elsewhere. Wind overnight was out of the west to northwest at 10-20 mph, except at Bridger Bowl where wind was a steady 30-40 mph. Today will be mostly cloudy with a trace of snow. Temperatures will reach the high teens F, and wind will be westerly at 15-25 mph. More snow is expected tomorrow.

It is a white and wintery Christmas. At 4 a.m. the mountains near Bozeman and Big Sky received 1-2” of new snow, the southern Madison Range and West Yellowstone got 3-5” of snow, while Cooke City got a lump of coal (0”). Temperatures this morning are in the single digits to teens F. Wind yesterday was 15-20 mph with gusts of 30-40 mph. Wind this morning decreased to 0-5 mph out of the north to northeast and will remain northerly at 5-15 mph today. Temperatures will drop to the single digits F this afternoon. The mountains will get 2-4” of snow by tonight.

Overnight the mountains south of Bozeman picked up 2-5” of snow while the Bridger Range remained dry. At 5 a.m. temperatures are in the teens F and winds are blowing 5-20 mph out of the W-SW with gusts in Hyalite pushing 40 mph. Today, skies will be partly to mostly cloudy and temps will warm into the mid to upper 20s F. Winds will continue to blow 10-25 mph out of the W-SW with stronger gusts possible along the ridgelines. The next storm system arrives this evening. By Christmas morning the mountains will likely have 4-6” of new snow. 

A strong temperature inversion is in place this morning. Valley temps are in the single digits above or below zero while the mountains are ten to twenty degrees warmer. Currently, skies are clear and winds are blowing 5-20 mph out of the W-NW. Today will be one of transition as the next storm approaches. Skies will remain clear through the morning hours, but will become increasingly cloudy this afternoon. Winds will increase throughout the day and shift to the W-SW. Temps will remain mild in the mountains with highs in the mid-20s to low 30s F. Prefrontal moisture arrives tonight bringing 1-2” of snow to the mountains by tomorrow morning. A stronger wave of energy arrives Saturday night and Sunday. This should provide the best Christmas gift of all – good powder riding. 

Over the past 24 hours no new snow has fallen. At 5 a.m. temperatures range from the single digits to mid-teens F under clear skies. Winds are blowing 10-20 mph out of the W-SW. Today, a ridge of high pressure will remain over the area. This will produce plenty of sunshine and moderate temperatures. Highs today will warm into the mid to upper 20s F and winds will remain light to moderate out of the W-SW. The next chance for snow arrives Friday night and Saturday.

In the last 24 hours Hyalite picked up 2” while the mountains around Big Sky to West Yellowstone and Cooke City received 4-6”. Winds blew strong out of the west to northwest at 20-30 mph with gusts near 60. This morning mountain temperatures are 5-10F under clear skies. A high pressure system today and tomorrow will bring sunshine and daytime highs in the low 20s with west winds at 10-20 mph.